Oneness North America November 2009

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

As we move deeper into the fall season, we reflect upon all that we have harvested and received over the previous weeks and months. No matter what challenges we face, we are cultivating the tools and inner awareness to be fully with what is there, and find ourselves in gratitude for the preciousness of this life as it is. Out of this heartfelt sense of thanks, we are called to give something back, to serve that which is greater than any one of us as separate individuals. Many of the great wisdom traditions tell us that the highest of spiritual states is that of service, or seva. When we give to others that which has been given to us, we become expressions of the divine in action.

Each one of us has been blessed with a unique way to contribute to the vision of Oneness. When we are willing to take a risk, to move outside our comfort zone, we find ourselves supported in the most miraculous ways. We have so many grandiose ideas of what it means to serve and are often unsure of where to start. In truth, all that is required is that we turn toward another for a moment, open our hearts, and share the gifts we have been given.

We have each harvested so much this year through involvement with our Oneness family--sharing the Blessing with our communities and attending courses and seminars together. Now, in this season of Thanksgiving, we reach out beyond ourselves and allow all that we have received to flow through us and out into the world.

Oneness North America November 2009


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